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Well, I think it is time for me to loosen up a bit. I was always introverted and now, I am just tired of being safe. I am not going to be someone who complains instead of actually changing my life. I'm going to be a little more… bold. I want to explore the world around me a little more. I want to pursue my dreams and find out what is most important in life. What is happiness? What is love? Life is just so overwhelming sometimes with all these questions popping into your head with no answers. I don't think people are even aware that they may be searching for something most of the time. We just go through our lives without thinking about it. Maybe I can find what I am looking for here. Maybe this is the answer to all of my questions, maybe not. I'm taking a chance that I will find what I am looking for here with SapneSajanKehD. But, just because I am taking a chance doesn't mean that you should too... I mean.. don't! Just kidding. Of course you should... That's why we are here. That's why we do SapneSajanKehD – to find what we are looking for. I am not going to post about the usual sappy lovey-dovey things that I see on Facebook everyday, I may not write about those things but those feelings are definitely there. Sometimes those feelings just need a different form to be expressed through and that is what SajanKaJadoo is all about. It is not love in the narrow sense of the word, it is love in its purest form. It is beyond any relationship, beyond society, beyond anything you can imagine. This may sound cheesy but I don't care. I'm taking a leap of faith here! Be prepared for whatever may come my way because whatever comes my way will be something good because I am trying to figure out what is important in life and why we are here. This blog has been my journey to self-discovery and I have truly enjoyed taking this path so far. As they say "You can't truly love if you don't know yourself. cfa1e77820